Now obviously, this is the point I then start to write about something interesting, or something completely random. I actually have nothing to write about, and I feel a little annoyed that I am writing for the sake of it to prove people wrong. I like to go against the grain sometimes, it is a problem I have.
That brings me to my next topic, the problems I have. Well lately I have been looking at the weather forecast way too much! I'm not sure if it is an addiction, but I seem to be hooked on the damn thing. What else? Well, not so much now, but my girlfriend bought me a classic n64 for Christmas and I could not stop playing that (that was an addiction because the thing is just so damn cool), however that has died down slightly.
So, with my middle finger up to those opposing my lack of weekend post's, I leave you safe in the knowledge that today will be a largely dry day with bright or sunny spells, possibly a few light showers to the south of London....
(Oh and to those who was wondering how I got on with my bosses car, despite driving really fast down the motorway, unaware that he had a spare tyre on that specifies you shouldn't go over 60 mph, I came back in one piece, along with a big smile on my

You are meant to be getting ready to come to mine! Not writing on your blog to prove Lee wrong! Also, I think you meant AWOL not AWOW. And yes it is definitely an addiction to the weather you have! xxxxxxx
Mr Teffers, I apologise for "forcing" you to post at the weekend. I was merely making an observation. I realise most people (unlike me) have a life and therefore have more interesting things to do on their non-working days.
I must just point out however that the latest you have ever posted is 4:46pm... if you could write a few evening blogs then that would be simply marvellous!
Only a British blogger could have this many posts dedicated to the weather
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