Apart from 1 thing last week, nothing special really took place. However that 1 thing that did happen was really special, it marked 1 year that I had been with my girlfriend. 1 great whole year to be honest, no arguements, no conflicts, everything is just as it seems with her, easily the best year of my life to date and (despite it being monday today) I feel really happy.
In other news, I have a new desk calendar at work, it is not anything special but it has cheesey sayings like "A rumour without a leg to stand on will get around some other way" while at the same time telling me that in 1327, Edward III became king of England.... After reading that, I gave it to someone else.
Along with picture evidence of this completely pointless desk calander I have added some photos that have recently had the pleasure of being photographed by my blackberry. Enjoy...

This is the disgraceful desk calander I so kindly gave to a collegue.

Something I conjured up on friday and sent to my girlfriend, and yes I am strange.

While taking a toilet break at a Malaysian resturant I came across these funnies in front of the urinal.

Biggest sign you could imagine, on the side of a building just south of the Thames in London, as if anyone really cares...

A rather unfortunate sign don't you think? The words should have been "fuchs" which means "fox" in German...
Happy Anniversary!
hey i like your blog because it is not convoluted and it's easy to read... go you! btw you also look like the boy in "there will be blood"
Thank youuuu Shannon! Also, cheers Jady, I appreciate the kind words, I will have to swat up on my new lookalike soon!
Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again
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