Getting into work first thing in the morning is always a bore, I continue to carry out the usual things, turning the computer on, making a rosie, checking emails etc. I do like to be humoured in the morning, saying that, I looked at my emails and found one sent to me by my girlfriend last night, it actually made me laugh out loud at my desk (luckily I get into work quite early and no-one heard me). So, by re-posting it on here it will do the same to you where ever you are...
Oh and I just come across something rather annoying, everytime one of my collegues is in the office (being that he lives in Yorkshire and our offices are in London he is here an un-godly amount) and I am just about to tuck into a sausage roll/McDonalds/Bacon roll for breakfast he always walks past my office door, sticks his head in and says "mind your fingers". Now, the first time was quite funny (haha don't eat it too fast or you will eat your fingers instead, yes, very funny), the second time reminded me of the first so I still laughed but not as much as before. I've not kept count or anything but he has said it too many times now and it has officially gone beyond the realms funny. Sod off you northern pratt and let me eat my breakfast!
Also another work-related peeve, as per company policy I have to say my name when I pick up an outside call, each time I clearly say my first name (which is Terry if you are un-aware) and I've had it a few time recently were people keep calling me Jerry! Jerry???... I even got a "Tolivo" once (again, for the un-aware, my second name is Olivo, a strange surname I know) and someone seemed to think that Tolivo was an actual first name!
On a lighter note, I went to a football match last night, "down the lane" as us Spurs fans refer it too. T'was a very good game and we had pretty decent seats too. Super Pav scoring 2 goals and secretly putting his middle finger up at Harry Redknapp for not playing him as much as he should have. The funny thing about last night was that amongst us 5 going to the game, we had a Manchester United fan with us. Lets just say, he was getting abit too carried away with the Spurs chanting, too carried away...
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